
Showing posts from May, 2021

Spring cleaning, do you do this?

 So, do you do spring cleaning ?  If so, what do you do? I have done this many times and it is always such a great feeling to clean, get rid of, and donate.😍 So, I'm curious how do you spring clean?  Do you organize?    Here is what I usually do: *get three boxes  *label boxes - donate, throw away, resale shop (resale shop...that is a topic for another day) *decide the room *divide the room into sections on paper (it's overwhelming to do it all at once, so I do it in sections) *schedule   πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰and this is key, the days you are going to work in what section *work your room, stay organized *take your boxes to appropriate places *in one week you have cleaned at least one room Soooooo, how do you spring clean? AND of course, do you spring clean your jewelry?    We will talk about that tomorrow. Here is a great checklist and website to check out! Here are some ...

What do you get a mother that has everything?

 So, this week I thought I would focus on Mother's Day, since it is Sunday! The question my brother and sister and I talk about is what to get mom?    She has everything!   Or, maybe she doesn't have everything.  What can you get that is thoughtful, useful, fun, and something that she won't throw away, but appreciate?   I did a little bit of research and this is what I found: According to real moms surveyed by  @parents  on Instagram, here's a breakdown of what they want most for Mother's Day 2021: Sleep  - 30 percent A day off or alone time  - 30 percent A spa day or massage  - 11 percent A vacation  - 7 percent A night or weekend alone in a hotel  - 5 percent A clean home  - 2 percent Recognition and appreciation  - 2 percent Someone else making breakfast/breakfast in bed  - 2 percent Jewelry  - 2 percent A haircut  - 2 percent Is there a pattern here?    πŸ’– If you have ideas,...

Kentucky Derby is so fun! Keep it going all year!!!

 What a fun day!  Was anyone at the Derby?  That is my goal to attend this at least once in my lifetime.  I love all of the glitz and glam!    We had a great party last year though Zoom.  Our group decorated their Zoom area, :-)  wore beautiful dresses, and gorgeous hats!   We all changed hats several times.  It was so fun!!!     So, why not keep the party going with a great piece of Park Lane.   This piece is on-trend and fun! Wear it alone with your Fascinator or your Derby, layer it with other necklaces, or just wear it to work.  Want to see more fun pieces?  Check out my website: Stampede  $50.00  • Facetted High Polished Gold Chain • Designer Look & Feel • Glass Ivory Pearls • Adorned with a Statement Sized Horseshoe • 16”+3”